Aquaculture Trainees Return From Accra, Ghana After Two Months Capacity Building Training

Aquaculture Trainees Return From Accra, Ghana After Two Months Capacity Building Training
Scene of Okay FM Studio with Mr. Johnson in a gray long sleeve shirt, Madam Victoria sitting in the middle, Kennedy wearing a red t-shirt and the Host Jackson back turn with black cap.
Scene of Okay FM Studio with Mr. Johnson in a gray long sleeve shirt, Madam Victoria sitting in the middle, Kennedy wearing a red t-shirt and the Host Jackson back turn with black cap.

(Monrovia)-A delegation of Aquaculture technicians and fish farmers have arrived in Monrovia following two months of intensive practical training in Tilapia cage farming. Their trip was sponsored under the World Bank Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project (LSMFP). 

Days after their return to Monrovia, NaFAA’s Associate Director of Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Mr. Yarkpawolo Johnson along with Mr. Ezekiel Kennedy, an Extension Trainer of APDRA FishLib Project and Madam Victoria Marvee Kafi, an Aquaculture Technician of Green Investment Gbarnga, Bong County Wednesday August 23, 2023 made live appearance on OKAY FM 99.5 to provide updates to the public on the impact of a two -month Aquaculture capacity building training they underwent in Accra Ghana. 

The Trainees promised to utilize the knowledge gained from the training to positively impact the Liberian Aquacultural sector. They disclosed during the live talk show on Liberia’s top radio station Okay FM that they will later organize several trainings across Liberia to impact other aquaculture technicians/fish farmers with the technical skills they have acquired over the last two months.  

Mr. Ezekiel Kennedy, Extension Trainer of APDRA FishLib Project and Madam Victoria Marvee Kafi, an Aquaculture Technician of Green Investment of Gbarnga, Bong County commended the Liberia government through NaFAA for affording them the opportunity to gain international exposure on aquaculture techniques. 

Mr. Kennedy and Madam Kafi disclosed that their exposure to the Ghanaian aquaculture sector is an eye opener to the development of the Liberian aquaculture sector.

“we have learnt and lot and wish to help transform our country’s aquaculture sector”

It can be recalled, on June 15, 2023 two of NaFAA’s Aquaculture Technicians and Ten Fish farmers departed Liberia for Accra Ghana to attend a two- month practical training in Tilapia cage farming.  

Their trip was sponsored under the World Bank Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project (LSMFP). 

The training was hands-on capacity building for fish farmers, extension workers, researchers in tilapia hatchery management and grow out techniques in aquaculture production systems (Cages and Pond Systems).

The aquaculture tailored training was designed to meet the needs of private sector actors through the transfer of basis on farm management knowledge aimed at enhancing productivity.

The purpose of the training is to strengthen the capacity of the trainees in farm data collection and further enhance the technical capacity of the trainees to enable them become master trainers. 



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