Artisanal Frame Survey

Artisanal Frame Survey

Artisanal Frame Survey 2020

Report by: Department of Research and Statistics

NAFAA, with support from the World Bank, funded The Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project (LSMFP) and embarked on a national artisanal fishery survey in 2020. The exercise conducted an update and complete enumeration of all marine artisanal boats throughout the nine coastal counties, in addition to the fishmongers and processors. These statistics are urgently required for evidence-based policymaking and the sustainable management of the fish resources and to determine national per capita consumption of fish. The 2020 Marine Artisanal Frame Survey collected data from fisher folks over a period of 45 days, capturing the characteristics of the boat’s owners, the boats themselves, and the activities of both fishmongers and processors. A total of 5648 canoes were counted indicating an increase of 18.55% from 2017 (4,600) when the last survey was done. Out of this, 76.11% are Liberian owned while the remaining 23.89% are owned and operated by foreigners. These 5648 canoes are owned by 3317 different persons with the total number of fishermen estimated to be 15709 people. The ‘frame’ represents all the data from the entire Liberian fleet of canoes, the data collected will be used to estimate the national production of fish. Gillnets, hook and line, ring nets, set nets, and long lines were recorded as gears used by fisher folks. The most frequently used fishing gear to target fish is gillnets constituting 48.38% (2789), followed by Hook and Line at 30.38% (1716) while Ring Nets was the least important at 2.82% (159). From the survey, the total number of fish traders involved in both processing and fish mongering was 12907, of which, females constituted 98.06% with 78453 dependents. The main fish processing method is smoking, using either wood, palm kernel, sawdust or coconut hull. In summary, 28,616 people are directly involved in the small-scale fisheries sector of Liberia either as fishermen, processors and fishmongers. Moreover, 107,069 people are directly and indirectly depending on the small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods.

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