NaFAA Signs Resolution To Construct Fish Landing Clusters

NaFAA Signs Resolution To Construct Fish Landing Clusters

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) on May 4, 2023 signed a resolution with the people of Maryland for the construction of a modern fish landing cluster in Harper City, the third biggest fishing community in Liberia.

Among other things, it’s agreed by both parties that NaFAA shall receive five (5) acres of land at the Hoffman station landing site for the construction of the fish landing cluster that would include a jetty, post-harvest facilities, fish market, marine store, clinic and a primary school.

It’s also agreed that the modern landing cluster when completed will be the only landing site for all Kru and Fanti canoes including migrant fishing canoes in Maryland.

A little over 3 million United States dollars has been secured from the World Bank for this project.



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